
学生 must submit an official transcript from all previously attended institutions. Here at 在线博彩, Transfer Evaluations are processed in the order they are received. 评估通常在学生被录取后的两周内进行. 一次加工, 学生将收到电子邮件通知,通知他/她的在线博彩电子邮件帐户可以通过my在线博彩访问转学评估.

Please review the following sections for more information about Transferring to 在线博彩.

当转校生被在线博彩录取时, 招生办公室将学生的信息发送给注册办公室进行评估. Student transcripts are evaluated in the order they are received from the Admission’s Office. 一旦完成, the student will receive an email informing them that their transfer evaluation can be viewed via my在线博彩.  


  • 在线博彩 grants credit for courses completed at regionally accredited institutions.
  • Your transfer GPA includes only coursework that is transferable, 2020年秋季生效. 
  • 重复的课程, the highest grade will be transferred and awarded earned credit, 2020年秋季生效. 
  • To satisfy the residency requirement for a bachelor's degree, a student is required to complete a minimum of 33 semester credit hours at 在线博彩. To satisfy the residency requirement for a nexus degree, a student is required to complete a minimum of 15 semester credit hours at 在线博彩.
  • 从非usg或非tcsg格鲁吉亚机构转学的学生或在乔治亚州以外的机构上学的学生,如果获得HIST 2111或HIST 2112或POLS 1101的学分,将不满足乔治亚州的历史和宪法要求,除非课程描述/教学大纲指出GA历史或宪法是课程的一部分. 同样适用于通过国际文凭考试获得HIST 2111或2112或POLS 1101学分的学生, 美联社测试, CLEP测试, 或DSST测试. 格鲁吉亚的历史和宪法的要求可以通过考试,每学期管理的 学术考试办事处.
  • 实习不能获得转学分, 指导研究, 一些实习课程, 研讨会, 高层研讨会, 迎新班(少于2学时), 学习支持课程, 职业副学士课程, and/or courses used to meet CPC deficiencies prior to Fall of 2015. Department chair approval is needed to award credit for fieldwork type courses.
  • A course that has a direct 在线博彩 course equivalent or elective as determined by the department, 成绩在D或以上, 除engl1101和engl1102外, which requires a grade of "C" or higher are transferable. 并非所有可转移课程都有资格计算在学位课程中,每个课程规定(参见具体学位课程了解更多信息).
  • All quarter hours will be converted to semester hours on your evaluation. One quarter hour is the equivalent of 2/3 of a semester hour. 例如:5小时的课程将被转换为3小时.34学时. 获得学士学位至少需要120个学时(必须完成学位课程要求)。.
  • 课程 will be assigned 在线博彩 course numbers if they are determined to be direct 在线博彩 equivalents. Discipline equivalents are determined by the appropriate academic department. Elective credit (1XXX-4XXX) will be assigned if a course cannot be deemed an direct 在线博彩 equivalent.
  • A 1000-2000 level course cannot be awarded a 3000-4000 level course equivalent.
  • For elective credit to substitute for a 在线博彩 course, written approval from the respective department chair is required (see Transfer Credit Re-Evaluation Form (PDF, 266K).
  • 在线博彩建议 考试学分, General Education Core Curriculum requirements as noted in the 本科目录, 学习计划 要求和转移策略中的 大学本科目录 to see how your transfer courses may be used within a particular program of study.
  • 如有疑问,请与 咨询中心 或者你的专业部门. 将您的转学评估副本带到您的自助服务横幅帐户中列出的指导/培训处.  

转学课程等效工具是为想知道自己是否正在学习的课程的学生提供的一项服务, 或者打算采取, 你会转学到在线博彩吗.

这个工具是为 参考.  在线博彩的课程等值会根据相关部门的正式评估而有所变化.  从该计划中列出或排除的课程并不反映该课程对在线博彩的可接受性.

要查看转换课程等效性,请单击 转换课程等效工具

Question: Will all of my courses transfer in as institutional credit in my major? 


课程 will transfer as specific 在线博彩 courses if they are determined to be direct 在线博彩 equivalents. Discipline equivalents are determined by the appropriate academic department. 选修学分(1XXX - 4XXX)将被分配,如果一门课程不能被视为直接等同在线博彩

No-Credit (0XXX) will be awarded if 在线博彩 cannot award credit due to various reasons including, 但不限于以下内容: 

1) 的 transfer institution is not regionally accredited. 

2)对外汉语教学机构, the course is not covered under the articulation agreement between 在线博彩 and the TCSG institution. 

3) 的 transfer Institution does not have the appropriate discipline specific accreditation (Examples: Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business accreditation for business and accounting courses; One of four Nursing 认证s for nursing course credit). 

4)在授予学分之前,在线博彩专业所在部门的教师需要对成绩单和课程描述进行额外的审查(例如:艺术 & 音乐学科). Art and 音乐 courses are automatically sent to the appropriate department.

Note: For courses in which you have received elective credit or no credit, other than Art & 音乐, that you wish to have considered for re-evaluation, 请填写学分重新评估表,并将其与您希望重新评估的课程大纲一起提交给学科特定部门.

任何本科转学生想要重新评估给定的转课程等效, should submit the Transfer Credit Re-Evaluation Form found under "其他 Forms" on the 注册主任办公室表格页面,课程描述,和/或课程大纲,以相关学科的系主任.  学生有责任获取并提交课程描述和/或课程大纲以及表格.  

Important points concerning the re-evaluation of transfer credits:  

  • 此表格只应在学生要求更改等效转学课程时使用.  学生或导师希望用一门课程代替学位课程中的另一门课程,应在Wolf Watch提交请愿书,而不是填写此表格.
  • 英语1101的成绩不能达到“D”, 英格兰1102年, or if the degree program requires a minimum for transferability.
  • A 1000-2000 level course cannot be awarded a 3000-4000 level course equivalent.
  • Departmental decisions on 在线博彩 course equivalents are final.  的re is no appeal beyond the departmental level.   

Please direct questions to the Transfer Team in the 注册商’s Office at: transfer@digital-research.net or  (678) 839-6438

学生, 谁曾在某军种服役, may be eligible to receive college credit for their training. 学生必须提交正式的军事成绩单(JST),并要求对他们的记录进行评估,以获得可能的大学学分. Branches of the military to request a JST from: Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. For the Air Force, a student will request a Community College of the Air Force Transcript (CCAF). 

  • 军事学分的授予是基于美国教育委员会(ACE)军事学分指南的建议和在线博彩教师的批准. 学分通常是选修学分,可用于学位和专业课程,并将在学生的成绩单上以“S”级列出. 
  • No credit is awarded for Basic Training; however, 2年或以上现役军人的学生可以通过提交他们的DD214副本来放弃他们的体育活动要求.
  • Military credit is the only credit that can be removed if request by the student, 由于财政限制, 在在线博彩注册的第一个学期. 

To request a Joint Services Transcript (JST), visit the site for Military One Source Requesting a JST Transcript

To request a Community College of the Air Force Transcript (CCAF), visit the page for requesting a Community College of the Air Force Transcript

To view previously evaluated Military Transfer Credit, view the 转移等效工具.

Please contact the Office of the 注册商 for assistance at registrar@digital-research.net.

西佐治亚大学目前与佐治亚技术学院系统有几个衔接协议, 西乔治亚技术学院, 和乔治亚高地学院.

的 Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) articulation agreement 指定了28个通识教育课程,保证在sacscoc认证的USG机构之间转换. 

西乔治亚技术学院 (WGTC)衔接协议概述了如何从WGTC的副学士学位课程的学分无缝转移到在线博彩的本科课程在同一学科领域. Specific Transfer Pathway programs offered: General Studies, 生物学, 刑事司法, 政治科学, 心理学, 社会学, 经济学, 和护理. 

*请注意, courses that are not listed on TCSG and WGTC articulation agreements are not transferable, but are eligible to be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Once admitted and your transfer evaluation has been completed, 请查看您的转学分,看看您是否需要填写转学分重新评估表(见上面的链接)。. To see if additional courses outside of the agreements have been approved by the department, please reference the Equivalency Tool (see link above).   

乔治亚高地学院 (GHC)衔接协议概述了GHC学位课程的学分如何在同一学科领域内无缝转移到在线博彩的学士课程. 提供的具体协议:业务, 刑事司法, 地质, 大众传媒, 娱乐, 和体育管理. 

学生应联络 transfer@digital-research.net 对这些协议有任何疑问. 在线博彩教员 & 员工可以在 注册商工作西部网站

Transfer Policies and Viewing your Self-Service Banner Transcript Evaluation