
2024年夏季和2024-2025年夏季SRAP周期的申请如下 now closed. Please check back in Fall 2024 for information about the Summer 2025 and AY 2025-2026 cycles.

  • 夏季2024 SRAP申请:截止2024年3月8日.
  • 24-25财年SRAP申请:2024年3月29日截止.

Proposals are accepted for research or career-related projects that utilize undergraduate students on tasks which are related to the student’s major.

The student must be utilized in ways which are not solely clerical or secretarial, and project director(s) must be proficient in the project research or career area in order to provide appropriate mentoring to the SRAP student. 过去,基金一直用于聘请学生担任研究助理, 媒体关系和市场助理, teachers, trainers, 学生主播和实验室技术员, 只要有一个研究重点.

提交2024年夏季SRAP申请提交AY 2024-2025 SRAP申请


The 学生研究助理计划 (SRAP) enables faculty and staff to employ undergraduates to assist in research or other college-related work. There are currently two SRAP programs per year: one running during the Fall-Spring semesters and a second Summer SRAP program that runs specifically during the summer semesters. 

The purpose of the 学生研究助理计划 is to encourage student participants to complete their college careers at the University of West Georgia. 它通过增强他们的学习经验来实现这一目标, increasing their research and career skills in their chosen fields of study, and engaging them in activities and mentoring relationships that improve their quality of student life.

除了减少本科生的流失率, SRAP项目旨在达到以下目标中的至少一个:

  1. 为提高在线博彩质量做出重要贡献.
  2. 推进一个公认的学术或研究项目.
  3. 推广在线博彩,提高其声誉.


The 学生研究助理计划 (SRAP) was established in 1986 in connection with A Day and the Alumni Council fundraising. The program moved under the 本科生研究办公室 in Academic Year 2012-2013. SRAP currently serves to provide faculty with funding to hire undergraduate students to work on research-related projects within their academic disciplines. 

The SRAP Committee is charged with overseeing the 学生研究助理计划. 

  • 委员会的职责包括:
  • Creating and using procedures that screen job funding requests in accordance with the goals of SRAP
  • Ensuring that the funds generated in the program are not used in ways that replace money currently funded by the university for similar purposes, 比如勤工俭学计划, 学生或研究生助学金, co-ops jobs, etc
  • 创建和使用沟通渠道, procedures and deadlines that make the funds clearly accessible to both students and faculty/staff and that use the funds for maximum benefit to both
  • 在先前资助的项目和新项目之间保持平衡
  • Achieving and maintaining quality in the program by annually evaluating each project funded.


Dr. Jeffrey ZamostnySRAP管理员/荣誉学院jzamostn@digital-research.net
Dr. 娜塔莎Ramsay-Jordan教育:幼儿部至中学教育njordan@digital-research.net
Dr. Andrew Edelman科学/STEM:数学、科学和技术学系/CACSIaedelman@digital-research.net
Perry Kirk艺术:艺术、历史和哲学系/CACSIpkirk@digital-research.net
Dr. Molly McCullers人文:艺术、历史和哲学系/CACSImmculle@digital-research.net
Dr. Kathleen Morales护理学院kmorales@digital-research.net
Dr. Melanie Conrad传播、电影和媒体学院mconrad@digital-research.net

如果您有任何疑问或需要帮助,请联系Dr. 杰夫·扎莫斯特尼,本科生研究办公室主任 jzamostn@digital-research.net.


空缺职位通常通过网站发布 Career Services website.  You may search for available jobs, including Student Research Assistant positions by clicking here: 在线博彩 Careers


The program is administered through the Honors College and the 本科生研究办公室.

Dr. Jeffrey Zamostny - Director, 本科生研究办公室
1601 Maple Street
Carrollton, GA 30118

Email: jzamostn@digital-research.net

For Faculty



  • 2024年夏季:2024年3月8日
  • 2024-2025年:2024年3月29日

谁有资格申请? Faculty, administrative staff members OR students working in conjunction with a faculty or staff member are eligible to submit proposals for projects which will generate student work opportunities (funding is only for undergraduate student salaries).

  • Proposals are accepted for research or career-related projects that utilize undergraduate students on tasks which are related to the student’s major.
  • The student must be utilized in ways which are not solely clerical or secretarial.
  • The project director(s) must be proficient in the project research or career area in order to provide appropriate mentoring to the SRAP student.
  • 过去,基金一直用于聘请学生担任研究助理, 媒体关系和市场助理, teachers, trainers, 学生主播和实验室技术员, 只要有一个研究重点.

截止日期是什么时候?? 2024年3月29日(2024年夏季SRAP,截止日期为2024年3月8日) 


提交2024年夏季SRAP申请提交AY 2024-2025 SRAP申请

Need help? 问题应直接向Dr. 本科生研究办公室主任Jeffrey Zamostny, jzamostn@digital-research.net.



The 学生研究助理计划 enables faculty and staff to employ undergraduate students to assist in research or other college-related work.  There are currently two SRAP programs per year: one running during the Fall-Spring semesters and a second Summer SRAP program that runs specifically during the summer semesters.

The purpose of the 学生研究助理计划 is to encourage students to participate in research and other educational opportunities anchored to their chosen fields of study in order to enhance their learning experience, 提高他们的生活质量, 提高他们的学术研究技能, 并推广在线博彩.  The program will also help diminish the attrition rates among under classmen at the University of West Georgia while accomplishing at least one of the following goals:

  1. 为提高在线博彩质量做出重要贡献
  2. 推进一些公认的学术或研究项目
  3. 推广该机构并提高其声誉

谁有资格申请? Faculty, administrative staff members OR students working in conjunction with a faculty or staff member are eligible to submit proposals for projects which will generate student work opportunities (funding is only for undergraduate student salaries).

  • Proposals are accepted for research or career-related projects that utilize undergraduate students on tasks which are related to the student’s major.
  • The student must be utilized in ways which are not solely clerical or secretarial.
  • The project director(s) must be proficient in the project research or career area in order to provide appropriate mentoring to the SRAP student.
  • 过去,基金一直用于聘请学生担任研究助理, 媒体关系和市场助理, teachers, trainers, 学生主播和实验室技术员, 只要有一个研究重点.

Any Undergraduate student who is eligible to hold a Student Assistant position may participate in a SRAP project. 学生的专业应与研究相关.

SRAP学生可获得的资金有限. 学生可使用“学生旅游奖励申请”申请资助.  

It is highly encouraged that all SRAP students participate in the 在线博彩 Scholars' Day Undergraduate Research Conference in the Spring.  SRAP学生表彰将在活动期间进行. 

在春季学期, a member of the SRAP Committee will conduct a virtual site visit with the student worker and supervisor to evaluate the progress of the SRAP project.

Faculty/Staff sponsors will complete a brief project evaluation at the end of the Spring semester via Google forms. 学生项目成果可包括:

  • Public Presentation at campus event (在线博彩 Scholars' Day Undergraduate Research Conference, etc.)
  • Submission for publication in scholarly journal or other professional outlet
  • 提交给专业会议的报告
  • Career experience narrative (1 page minimum with supporting letter from career agency)
  • 项目期间创建的工作组合

SRAP Travel

There is a limited amount of funds set aside each year for student travel to present their work at conferences or other professional meetings related to the students’ SRAP projects. 这些资金将通过学生旅行奖励申请获得, in which ALL required paperwork has been completed and submitted according to the deadlines and guidelines below. 所有旅行必须在春季学期结束前完成. 学生在旅行时是没有报酬的,因为所有的旅行都是自愿的.  

This funding can be used ONLY to cover travel related expenses: airfare and other approved travel expenses, lodging, 并收取会议注册费.


所有SRAP学生旅行必须遵守并遵守 travel rules 以及由在线博彩执行的法规.

学生可以申请一个 学生研究旅行奖 here.